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Any member of AREBT who has been a Full member for a minimum of 5 consecutive years at the point of application AND [ONE OF MORE OF THE FOLLOWING]:


Has practiced as an accredited AREBT therapist for at least two consecutive years at the point of application.


Possesses a research qualification and has been engaged in the application, discovery, development, or dissemination of works predominantly associated with REBT, for a minimum period of two years.


Published psychological works or exercised specialized psychological knowledge predominantly associated with REBT, for a minimum period of two years.


 The successful applicant may use the title only so long as he/she remains a member of the Association.





 Application will be made by the member and will require two references from Full members of AREBT.  The referees will be required to substantiate the claims of the applicant.


 Application will be made via applications on the societies web site to the Societies’ Hon. Secretary who will forward the application to the fellows sub- committee, after checking the basic member details.


 The fellows sub-committee will scrutinize the application and will ‘sign’ off the application, requesting the Hon. Sec. to notify the applicant of the success of the application.  In the event the fellows sub-committee feel unable to sign off on the application they must refer the application, together with details of their reservations, to the next full committee meeting of the Association.  The decision of the committee will be notified to the Hon. Sec. of the Association to report its findings back to the applicant.  The decision of the committee of AREBT is full and final, and not open to challenge.


Outcome and charges.


 Successful applicants will be entitled to use the letters FAREBT.  This will replace the letters MAREBT for those applicants who are already entitled to use MAREBT.


 The cost of application will be £60. The application is a one off and non-refundable. The annual renewal cost thereafter will be £50.  The renewal cost will replace the normal membership fee.


 The Hon Sec will inform the successful applicant.


Click here to download the application form for AREBT fellowship.







 Honorary fellowships will be rarely conferred and is for those who are considered to have made an outstanding contribution to REBT.


In respect of Honorary Fellows there are two categories:


[1] Outstanding and meritious service to AREBT. [ Longevity of service would not of itself constitute an award]


[2] An outstanding contribution to the furtherance of REBT. This might be in the area of research, clinical contribution, publication, or training.




[a] Recommendation for appointment could come from 3 sources [i] A least two members of AREBT, who would be required to give their CVs.  In the first instance the recommendations would be made to the fellows sub- committee. [ii] The fellows sub-committee could make a recommendation. [iii] The AREBT committee could make a recommendation.  In all cases a decision for appointment would be made in a session of the AREBT committee when at least one member of the fellow sub- committee must be present.  The Fellow sub- committee will make their recommendations to the Board before the Board makes a decision. Discussion about the suitability of any candidate would not take place by email correspondence.


[b] In all cases recommendations for appointments must meet the Hon. Fellow criteria and applications should cite how the criteria is met.


[c] Application should be made on the citation form obtained from the web site.


[d] A decision will be made by the AREBT committee, following which the Chair on behalf of the Association, shall offer the award to the candidate.  In the event the candidate accepts the award he/she will be invited to the next AGM to accept the award, following which the citation shall be published in the Association’s web site and its journal.


[e] Awards will remain for the life of the recipient, whether or not the recipient remains a member of the Association or not, unless in the opinion of the Association’s Committee the holder’s actions have the significant potential for bringing the profession of CBT and /OR the Association, into disrepute.  The committee’s decision will be final.  The grounds for removing such an award will be reported on the societies’ web site.


[f] Any approach by a potential recipient of an award to any member of the committee of AREBT or its Fellows sub-committee will be grounds for refusing an award.


[g] A potential recipient of the award will not be able to be present in any discussion or decision relating to the award.


Click here to download the application form for AREBT  HONORARY fellowship.



© 2019 AREBT, Association for Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy

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